Comments on: It’s That Season Again. Histamine – What Are You Doing to Me? Fri, 11 May 2018 23:50:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Graber Fri, 11 May 2018 23:50:49 +0000 This is another good article about MCAS, by ISEAI Founding Diplomate Bruce Hoffman, MD from Alberta, Canada –

By: Nancy Henderson Sun, 29 Apr 2018 22:46:34 +0000 Hi–
I just was clued into ISEAI by reading Biotoxin Journey…
I attended Dr Shoemaker’s 2016 Irvine conference and met or talked with a few of you board members. Like Greg of Biotoxin journey– I am grateful for all of the practitioners working on these issues. Hats off to you all.
I just finished Ben Lynch’s “Dirty Genes” book– and am going to try his more stringent lifestyle approach– especially w/ regard to histamines (watch the probiotics– lactobacillus especially!). I think it will be a plus for your pts as well.

I think we can all gain a lot of useful info by having genetics testing thru his Stratagene (30.00) using the 23 and me raw data and then filling out a detailed questionaire you post on this site to keep track of CIRS and other Chronic conditions. As an example– I would suspect that many CIRS pts are tooth grinders and have UARS or OSA undiagnosed. Or– how many had Mothers that had excessive morning sickness during pregnancy– if they had no B-6– they could not pass it on and therefore Methylation issues that give rise to CIRS, etc. We need to be keeping track of what might be underlying prenatal conditions too for CIRS and Chronic Illness. I”ll be that a larger number of these pts also have CVID– as I do.

Also– reporting my Chem sens has reduced by at least 40% by using JoMar Amino Acids– Black Label 21 Blend — which I started for SIBO. And their Lysine has reduced my vertigo by 60%.
Glad you are working so hard on this– thank you all…

By: Margo Rochelle Tue, 24 Apr 2018 00:09:22 +0000 Great article. Helpful. Thanks.
